Females Becoming Moody


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
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Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok last night I was watching my females and for the first time in ages they seemed to be having a go at each other! I'm starting to wonder if it's because they are full of eggs as they are starting to bar slightly! Is there anyway I can relieve the tension in the tank slightly for them as my fav Zen had a chunk taken out of her dorsal fin (yeah I know I should have 4 females the 4th turned out to be a male) they are in a 10 gallon with plenty of places to hide and are normally just happy! I think its their hormones which is strange as two of them only spawned two wks ago! I presume I'm giving them too much live food for them to become so eggy already (I just cant help it though as they love it)
Unless you really wanna spawn don't worry about it. They get a bit grumpy and they get over it. Seriously. It's like us having pmt. :lol: So long as none of them get beaten up as a result all will be well in a while. :thumbs:
P.S:When Teelie first started to carry eggs she was soooo full she got angry at everything. She got over that and actually tried to wrap with some of the girls, bless her. That was around 6 months ago and this is her first spawning with a male so....she got over it.
I was gonna put bout PMT but didnt know if it was allowed lol! It's tempting to spawn them again (It's adictive) but then its a case of what do I do with the fry I could just leave them in with the male as a snack (which is a bit cruel but I do it with platies so its no worse than that) or I could raise them! Hmmm tough decision! I'm swaying more to let them breed again as I have one male that I havent tried yet and I really wanna spawn him but then its choosing which female? Or I could spawn both again
:lol: I've not been bitten by the spawning bug. I want to see how this first pair go for now and if I cope with it well then I will spawn my green HM pair in summer. I have a several pairs I'd like to spawn with but I won't spawn them just because they're grumpy and full of eggs. I like to feel ready and able to raise and do my best by them and my son is supposed to be going into hospital for brain surgery in the summer so after this first pair I shan't do any until he's had his op. No matter how willing some of them are! :lol:
I don't think I'd ever want to spawn more then one pair at a time though. I'd have nowhere to put them all!! :crazy:
Unfortunately I have been bitten by the bug (sigh) but I serisouly dont have time to actually breed them but the thought slowly ponders through the brain (I'm sure you know what I mean)

I hope things go well for your son, glad you've talked me not into doing it as I know my best friend would be like go on you know you want to do it do it.......

It's just depressing to see such grumpy girls maybe in a couple of months time (when these are grown and my dog is behaving) I will!

I spawned two together (this last lot) only have 20 fry left, as I left them in with the dads too long (I wanted to see how long the dads would care for them?) I think the females can just have flakes and no more tubifex or daphnia for a while see if that helps! Perhaps they're calmer when I get home :rolleyes:
Mine found amusement playing in a filter flow outlet and having a load of plants floating....even if they're not floating plants! :lol: I actually leave a large clump of plants floating on the surface and my girls sleep in it or rest in it as and when they wish. It's situated right next to my bed and the floating plants have settled near my end of the 44g so I can lay in bed and see them all kipping in there. :wub:
They will settle. I have a number of girls carrying large amounts of eggs presently but they are going to have a bit of a wait until it's their turn.
Not wanting to break in here, but just a reminder that the girl's nip could use some salt and/or BettaFix if you've not already attended to it.

And God's grace and health for your boy, Miss Dib Dabs. Blessings
I never thought of that! I will have to contain her on her own as they are in with Corries! Thanks for that Jolly Sue and hows the grandchild!
Haven't heard anything since the intern appointment. I'm sure he's fine, and everyone is very busy.

BettaFix would probably sufficient, don't you think, if you don't want to move them.
MelaFix or PimaFix? If so use less than half a dose. Watch to see the Betta aren't stressed. The only dif with MelaFix and BettaFix is the BettaFix is a reduced dose for Betta who don't tolerate a whole dose.
I'll go tonight and have a look for some, I'm in the UK so not sure if we have any but there is no harm in looking for it! If I cant find any I'll just have to use salt!
ARGH! One of my females has now barred up, also my female who normally has a slight stress line down her face has decided to change her colouring to be masked now silly fish! Oh well nothing I can do for now!

On a plus note the female with the slight rip in her dorsal fin is nearly fully healed without any intervention! Didnt find any melafix or bettafix last night so gave her a little salt bath to be on the safe side!

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