

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Lancs, uk
Hey every1 i've kept betta's b4 but i am not that experianced with them. I bought a female Betta last week, imo it was 1 of the best looking female Betta's i've seen in any of my lfs'. I have posted a pic below because after adding 3 more female's today she is flaring and showing off to the other females just like my male does on the other side of my tank divider, but she does not flare for him only at the other females. Is she a female with long fins or male with short fins?


Also can sum1 tell me wht tail type my new male is i got him today and i think he's a beauty.


Any advise/hints/opinions are more than welcome :)


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Well the male is definately a Crowntail. The female has me stumped though :crazy:

When you got her, was she in with alot of other fish. It's looks almost like a male that's had his caudal fin nipped away at.

If it is a female then it will take a while for them to establish their pecking order. The tank needs to be heavily planted so they have places to hide away from each other.

I had a female that had huge fins and flared alot but she did turn out to be female. I would keep a very close eye on her/him just in case as there is a strong possibility it may be male.
When I got her she was in with maybe 20 female Betta's and just happy swimming around at the bk of the tank not bothering any other Betta's in the tank.
Well the male is definately a Crowntail. The female has me stumped though :crazy:

When you got her, was she in with alot of other fish. It's looks almost like a male that's had his caudal fin nipped away at.

If it is a female then it will take a while for them to establish their pecking order. The tank needs to be heavily planted so they have places to hide away from each other.

I had a female that had huge fins and flared alot but she did turn out to be female. I would keep a very close eye on her/him just in case as there is a strong possibility it may be male.

it looks like a male to me.. but either way beautiful!
Well the male is definately a Crowntail. The female has me stumped though :crazy:

When you got her, was she in with alot of other fish. It's looks almost like a male that's had his caudal fin nipped away at.

If it is a female then it will take a while for them to establish their pecking order. The tank needs to be heavily planted so they have places to hide away from each other.

I had a female that had huge fins and flared alot but she did turn out to be female. I would keep a very close eye on her/him just in case as there is a strong possibility it may be male.

it looks like a male to me.. but either way beautiful!

then it is most likely a female or a male that was in with them and was picked on and scared to the back..i dont realy know, but proceed with caution :/
Just been watching the Betta's again and the Betta in question has the white bit i on the belly and just infront of the bottom fin. The new CT male i have doenst have it. If that helps at all
That's not always a true indication as alot of juvenile males will show that spot too.

She does seem to have very long fins but again there are exceptions to the rule. Males will also have very long ventrils but I can't see those in the pic.

We had a supposed female in our sorority tank for a month or so before all hell broke loose and we realised she was actually a he.
just to add somethin i was told once about a good way to tell the differnece between male and female.. when the fish f;ares, doeshe/she have an extra bit of gill cover under he chin? i.e a full "mane"or just on either side without the bottom bit. i was told if its full then its most likely male, but if not, then u have a female.. if im wrong please say so, but if not, that might help :)
It can be so very difficult at times to sex them. A full beard would indicate a male but sometimes we've had girls with such big flares that it's been really difficult to tell.

Three of the girls we bred last year, we were convinced were males at first. They flared, built huge nests and had long fins and ventrils and then suddenly within a month they all started releasing eggs lol

I've put suspect fish near males to see if they get eggy or release eggs......sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
the muscular thickness of the body just seems to say male to me, instead of pudgy female belly you know? I would keep a very close eye on it and see how it acts flairs and if its fins happen to grow back.
What do u mean by eggy?

Like this :

I would say that its a male veil tail that has been nipped into looking like a female. My lfs keep one male in the females tank (terrible Idea) but they often get so nipped they look like girls


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