Female Vt Or Male Pk?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2008
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One of my new females is a bit of a bully despite being smaller than the others. She constantly flares and chases anyone who comes near her. She is also a much darker colour than the others and looks somehow neater than the others do. The pics have brought her colour out more as she is more of a dark plum colour with very dark blue markings. What do you think?



Just so people can see picture (edited your link as it not working)
Looks like a male to me. The shape is pretty male-ish. A picture of him flaring would be really helpful. Does he look like he has a beard, or just gill flaps? I don't see an oviposter, but the ventrals are a bit short...that could just be because he's young still.
Looks like a male to me. The shape is pretty male-ish. A picture of him flaring would be really helpful. Does he look like he has a beard, or just gill flaps? I don't see an oviposter, but the ventrals are a bit short...that could just be because he's young still.

Battery has gone on the camera so I will have to try again tomorrow! I cant see an oviposter and although the ventrals arnt that long they are longer in proportion to her body than the other females. She/it does larger flares than the others but not sure if its more than just gill flaps. She just looks quite different from the other females as there fins have the obvious pointy bits where the rays end but when this one flares they seem smooth if you know what I mean! Thinking I may have to get another tank tomorrow!
Decided leaving him in there another night is a bit too much of a risk so Ive put him in a small fish bowl with a heater until I can get to the shops tomorrow to get him another tank.

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