female scared to death


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi everyone, i know all of you must be sick and tired of all the betta breeding questions lately..i wasn't going to post one more..but i just had to becuase i am so worried :S

anyways, this is my first spawn, and i think i got everything right (followed all the right steps, etc) and now i got a male swimming around in a 10G, and the female in a little see through container (like thse walmart cups, only bigger). It seems alright except that MY MALE IS TERROIZING HER...she is turning all pale and she looks very stressed and scared...probably becuase the male is constnatly swimming around her and flaring like he's readyt o bite herhead off :S

is this normal behavior :crazy: i am going to pull my hair out worrying about the female, i plan to keep her in there until i see the male make some kind of a bubblenest

also, i know i have to look for vertical stripes on my female, but she is a very light color (white body, red tail), so i dont' think i'll be able to notice the barring...does that leave me with anything else to tell if she's readY?

thanks for any hlep guys...just very nervous and worried at the moment lol.
i dont' know how old she is becuase i got her from the petstore...she looked pretty full grown (she's the strongest female out of the 5 females that i have, always proved herself to be pretty strong and old).

Well, since she's still in the container, i noticed that her bright red tail isnt' as bright anymore, and i would swear that she is turning pale. Whenever my male flares/swims near her she would stare at him back for a while and then swim away. I read that its normal for females to be stressed when you first put them in with the male (even in a contaier) but they should get over it.

Well, she's only been in the caontier for about 30 mins lol. Do you think i should wait? :X she can't get hurt in the container anyways.
either take her out or maybe you could wrap some of the plants around the container somehow? sometimes they are scared to begin with but ive never seen one become pale:(
if shes only been in for 30 min, yeah i thikn you should guve her a chance. is she in the same water as him (is the conatiner bottomless and topless?)
you could have an overly aggressive male, my gf has six (males) and they all are different, theres some you can put females in with but theres 1 that will go off if you even put your finger on the side of his tank :crazy: ... you could always grab a seperator and have them in the same tank or put little fishy weights in her tank and :flex: her up so she can show him whos boss (i know i know that was pretty corny lol)
xXMrBonesXx said:
you could have an overly aggressive male, my gf has six (males) and they all are different, theres some you can put females in with but theres 1 that will go off if you even put your finger on the side of his tank :crazy:
do you mean put females with to breed?
:D thanks for hte reply guys, i put her container in a corner and covered it in plants nad stuff, she seemed to relax a bit more and got her color back (she was right out in teh open before with no cover so that was probbaly why).

The male doesn't strike me as an overly aggressive type (i got another one that's even more aggressive), he still just circles her and stuff rather then getting to work and building a nest :blink:

oh and btw, do you feed them at this stage? i believe you do right?

silly male, why isnt' he getting to work to build a bubblenest for her :rolleyes: i put a styrofoam cup (cut in half) on the other side of the tank but so far he doesnt' seem to be getting the message :)

female seems a lot calmer now though, at least she has red back in her tail now :blink:

Tell me what you guys think should happen next...oh and another question, how do i tell if she's ready, since she's very light colored, the vertical stripes aren't gogn to show up too well.
no all her males are in separate tanks and the 2 females are in a community tank but 1 had to be moved because she decide to make a snack out of half a guppies tail .. they were together about a month then just 1 day out of the blue *munch* (the female betta and guppy)
well just so you know bones, you should ever put a female and male together unless you intend to breed because they like to rip each other to pieces.

yes you feed them. is the container a chimney or is it floating?
it's a floating container (clear plastic container maybe .25G type of thing).

Is there anyway to get the male to build a bubblenest instead of terroziing the female 24/7 -_- maybe they've just never seen an opposite sex betta before and don't know that it's a betta? :unsure: i put in some bubbles from another betta under the styrofoam cup, hoping that daddy-to-be will get the message nad continue it (he was never much of a bubblenester though).

Okie, i will continue with the feeding schedule as usual. does anyone know how to tell if the females ready besides her veritcal stripes?
yeah i know but they have been together a week and dont even pay attention to 1 another, sure the odd time she'll follow him around then he'll follow her around but theres been no flaring or aggressive behaviour yet, there in a decent sized tank with lots of hiding spots but they'd rather just be lazy then pay attention to each other (if you find my 1 post teh female im talking about is the 1 that jumped at my nose :eek: ) ...... i have a post on another forum with a similar question to your "how do you tell besides the stripes" i'll look it up and email or Pm it to you
Maybe she feels scared that the cup is clear she thinks the male can get to her. Do like Jac said, place some plants around the cup.

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