Female Question

Astral Delphi

New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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How can you tell when the female is ready...? Ive read so much information lately and I kinda went mind blank..is there something about a white dot or something..? I know that she gets the three verti lines and stands upright, but I think I heard something about a white dot on her belly..maybe not though..Im just trying to clarify. And the female is in a 30 gallon with two guppies..thats ok right?

Oh yea, and I took everyone's advice, I moved my male into a seperate tank with no filter with leaves and a cup..so I hope he gets to building.. :)
Hate to come off rude, but are you breeding your bettas? If so, are you adequately prepared? It takes A LOT of work and money, and prior research and preparation are key. I feel as though you should know what the white dot is and that it is not present only when the female is ready to breed... that's kinda important in even just knowing that you have a female.
I agree Nino. I must say I'm new to this and that's definately one of the first things I learned.
LOL... I'm sorry, I also had to giggle about the "white dot" comment.... :lol:

Please wait to breed AFTER you get all of your facts straight, Astral. You should know the ins and outs of Bettas by memory before you even think of spawning yours! Honestly, if you don't even know what an ovipositor is, how do you plan on sexing your juvies? And, how can you even judge what a quality, spawning-worthy pair is if you aren't even familiar with the bare bones of Betta care. My advice is, read up on EVERY bit of quality info you can find regarding Betta care, Betta structure, tail types, colors, spawning, males and females, etc. Bettatalk.com and searching these forums is a great way to start. Print out everything you find, and make a sort of book out of it that you can reference quickly in case something slips your mind. However, getting the parents ready to spawn and spawning them is absolutely the EASIEST part of Betta rearing ~ seriously, this spawn will ovetake your life!! Definitely reconsider it, if you don't have the time to look about and memorize the basics, do you really have several hours a day to spare for fry care?
Which one? We're concerned about you getting into something that's both costly in time and money and really requires an person to be educated about it before attempting it. And then there is all the fry you have to find homes for, you don't want to breed VT's because they will be a lot harder to home than other tail types.
About the betta with the guppies, could be ok but I'd watch for fin nipping just in case.
Good suggestions with the fact book , Splashluff.

The white dot is the ovipositer. That's why there are some snickers. It is a crucial bit of information.
To answer your question, a female is physically and psychologically ready to breed when she is filled with eggs, has vertical striping, and goes head down for the male. However, she can only be truly ready to spawn when you are. You decide when she is really ready, and this should never be before you yourself are ready to tackle the huge and costly job that is raising betta fry. No one directly answered your question because it is fairly obvious that you are not ready.
my gawd..if this a forum for people to ask and get answeres or a forum for fish nerds who just wanna talk..?? I have bred guppies and sold them for quite some time now, I wanna go betta, as they call it.. Im not going to breed them anytime soon if thats what everyone is flippig out about BUT I am trying to see the signs for myself. Ive read books and sites and stuff but I wanted to put them in seperate tanks next to eachother to see the signs myself so I am smarter about the situation, and I had a simple question and everyone flips out.

I understand why you did, I prolly would have to BUT its just really lame that I have to fully explain myself to get a question answered. The business is not about what Im doing with my bettas, if anything thats my business, I searched for many forums and this was the most active one and look what I got. You people need to stop assuming or even caring for that matter. I mean, Im not some heartless 13yr old experimenting with fish and 'o that'd be cool if I bred them!". ####, doesnt everyone start out like this in the very begining anyways. Bettas are VERY different than guppies so I wanted info from many sources, including books, websites, and actual people like yourselves.
Hi Astral,
Thanks for telling us more. We aren't trying to get in your business, we just want the best for you and your fish. See, a lot of people come on here when they have already spawned or going to spawn soon and they don't have a clue. Lately it seems like everyone is breeding bettas and sometimes we don't understand it. I'm sure everyone will be happy that you've been researching your stuff. I hope you get the best out of your work :)
Hehe, sorry Astral Delphi, we jump the gun sometimes. It's just that 9 times out of 10 questions like this are asked by people who are planning to breed soon, haven't done enough research, and don't know what they're getting themselves into. Like redbetta said, we just want the best for you and your fish, so forgive us if we jump to conclusions, we only have the best of intentions. The betta section of this forum more than any other actually is full of "fish nerds who just wanna talk", but hopefully we also provide good advice and answer questions.... eventually :lol:
Astral - The most important factor in getting good advice is offering good information on your situation. If you give us an incomplete story, coming off sounding like a newbie who knows nothing about the species they plan on breeding, we will react appropriately. I find it a little rude that you are calling it none of our business when you've made it our business by asking us a question that, by answering without covering our bases first, could result in the death of your fish. You should be appreciative that people are so concerned about the welfare of your animal, and for saving you the heartbreak and frustration of having your fish or fry die! In short, we need to assume if you don't give us anything to work with, and we will probably always care since we are passionate about the species.

Apologies that you think feel you've been tackled for asking a simple question, but surely as a fellow fishkeeper, you understand the concern.

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