Female Platy


New Member
Aug 17, 2003
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I just got 1 male swordtale and 2 female platies yesterday. I wake up this morning and one of my Female platies is constantly on the top of the water swimming around. When I put my finger near it, it did not swim away...it just kind of sat there. I have a feeling she is going to die soon. Is there anything I can do if death is the next step? Or is this typical in some way?
Is she gulping from the water?
Does she dodge a dipped net? if not then she could be blind perhaps?
Is she eating?
Whats your readings for ammonia and nitrite?

In general Platys seem to be surface dwellers and prefer sticking to the surface of the tank.
as we have a male and female and they both hang out at the top, if however, she is starting to get thin, or some sort of disease and is breathing rapidly and not acting well, that could be the reason.
we are currently treating our platys for internal bacteria and tape worm, the female has become extremely thin.. but she is still eating.. and just more recently the male has started acting sick, and sitting on top of the filter all the time.
but if yours arent acting ill or showing any signs of illness, I would say theyare just doing what platys do.
ours eat out of our hands all the time, so like ours yours probably isnt that scared of you, they generally get used to hands and nets and gravel cleaners coming in and out of their home.



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