female or male?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I went to my favorite lfs yesterday and picked up a female betta. She went into a ten gal. with seven black neon tetras and two imm. guppies. She immeaditely started chasing and harassing the other fish. I know some of the other female bettas were mislabeled so now I'm wondering if I was in fact sold a young male. :crazy: I've always read the females are much more peaceful than the males. Because the fish is young and lacks the larger fins, how do I tell if it is male or female? Are some females aggressive? -_-
I think some females are aggressive, but it is probably possible you purchased a shorter finned male
im pretty sure it is a male but it might not have been fully grown mislledding the fins who nos.Genearally ive heard the females are always peaceful.
My female wasn't at all aggressive (very timid, in fact) but she would chase new fish. I suspect it was a kind of "get them before they get me" mentality.
I have a female betta who is way more aggressive that my males. She lives by herself as she has tried to kill anything I have tried to put in with her. She flares at her reflection in a mirror but she is definitely female as she has short fins and an ovipositor.
if u bought it at ur lfs it should have been in a tank which means there were other females in there and if there were other females and it was a male it would killed or hurt the other females. the female u got was just a female with a tude. :nod:
She was not in a tank with other bettas...all the lfs' females were in cups just like the males. Unfortunately I don't have any pics, but picture a cream colored body and red fins. :( I have a sad ending to the story...

My boyfriend and I bought the betta to add to his tank. We named her Collie because she herded her 7 black neon tetra tankmates around the tank. She came down with a horrible case of ich so we isolated and treated her in a half gal. We came back from class early in the day to find she had lept from her tank to his pillow :(. I've heard stories about bettas jumping out but then reviving once back in the water. This is not one of those stories.

Jeff and I will go back to the same shop. We still want a female for his tank and have decided to "test" her there in the store. The shop is going to allow us to drop her in one of their tanks to see how aggressive she is before we buy. I also plan on buying (another) male betta. Right now I have a beautiful dark blue (Blarg) who is Mr. Personallity. I've been drooling over another and just bought another tank for 'im :D. :wub:

A hurricane's about to hit us to I wanna buy him before it floods.

ps- For the first time ever, I caught Blarg working on his bubble nest. He was so embarassed when he realized I was watching :*) . :wub: :wub:

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