Female Kribensis


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK

Female Kribensis (pelvicachromis pulcher)
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: No mate for her and she's too feisty for my community tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection preferred, will negotiate delivery
Sales price: Offers
Postage & Packaging: TBC
Location: York, North Yorkshire

She's got a lovely pink belly and is full of life. She's also a bully so I don't feel would be suited to a community of smaller fish. She has been kept with other kribs (and got bullied), female bettas, neon tetras and corys. She's bullied and bitten them all apart from the other kribs (who were moved and then she showed her true colours).

She's a gorgeous little girl and I am sorry to see her go. I hope someone can find a home for her, perhaps in a breeding project.

Feeding very well on a mix of Tetra Pro flakes, frozen bloodworm and brineshrimp and sinking pellets, as well as the occassional pea.

Will try to get a photo if she holds still.

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No longer for sale due to the death of one of my paired-females.

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