Female Has White Growth Coming From Her Eye..


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2005
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I bought a female betta the other day. She looked rather slow and legthargic when I got her but I figured she just didn't like the pet store. Since then she hasn't ate at all, or atleast nothing I could tell. Well I just noticed shes now swimming sideways and her left eye has like this weird egg white bubble growing out of it.. its so sudden, she was fine this mourning. Any ideas what this is and how to treat it?
Does the growth look like a cauliflower.
Does it look like this.

For now i would treat it as bacterial do you have any bacterial meds.
What bacterial meds do you have.
Also add some salt for the stress.
Tetracycline, if not try and get another good antibiotic, good luck.
How is she doing.
Sorry bless her, she didn't sound good, sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
I know i've done that had a plec die and never had a pic of him.

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