Female Guppy


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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My female guppy I think is pregnant but she seems to be having some trouble. She is breathing really quick and she hides away most of the time but I haven't seen babies yet, or in fact, since I got her. She has only been pregnant twice with me (this being the second) and I've had her since about the beginning og August sometime. She seems to be having trouble having the babies, what can I do. I've put her in her own little tank and added some salt to it. That's all I know to do...Any suggestions????? She is really big at the tummy.
Does nobody know anything or does nobody want to reply to me? My female had given birth to 3 fry's but all of them are not alive. Could this be because of the medication I was giving because of the Ich, or could it be that she is way overdue and she didn't want to give birth to them at that time because she was being bothered by the other fish in my tank. (I moved her to my hospital tank) Let me know what you think.
My reply sounds rude but I don't mean it to be...so don't take offence to it!!
I do not keep guppies anymore because of their low immune system. Any pregnancy is heavy on the fish. Sounds like your is about tho have a new fry. Hiding is a natural instinct. If she is in her own tank, make sure she has a place to hide, otherwise she will delay the birth. That what happened to mine. In floating plastic tank one of my females did not give birth for 2 days, and she was like a baloon. A half an hour after I released her back into community tank she gave birth to a lot of fry. You can try the same if you want, just make sure you will carefully catch the fry, they will not last long.
As to giving birth to dead fry, usually not all the fry is dead. Some are alife but eaten quickly.
If she is young, it will improve in time
Hope this helps

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