Female guppy with Dropsy.

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May 9, 2004
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I have a problem....

I have a 4 ft tank with 12 Guppies and 2 corys.One of my female guppies has got dropsy and it is quite advanced.

The problem is that I haven't got a hospital tank and I am going away for a week in a couple of days.

She isn't responding to treatment and to top it off another female has got early stage white spot.My sister in law is going to feed the fish for me but she doesn't know much about fish and treating them.

Should I humanely euthanise the female with dropsy and just concentrate on treating the whitespot?

My worst fear is I am going to come home to a tank of infected fish.
1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) Unknown.

2. A full description of the fishes symptoms.Bloated body,pine cone appearance.Being picked on by other fish.

3. How often you do water changes and how much.25% every 4-5 days.

4. Any chemicals and treatments you add to the water.Cycle and de chlorinator

5. What tank mates are in the tank.12 guppies,2 corys.

6. Tank size.48x12x12.

7. Finally Have you recently added any new fish? Tank has been set up 3 weeks.
IMO droupsy is the hardest and I believe that it is the most incurable disease there is. It is up to you what you want to do.

Is the white spot ICH?
FOr sure before you go euthanize the fish with dropsy. It is not a very contagious disease so the other fish should be alright. But if it dies when you are gone and left in the tank to rot there will be bigger problems when you get back. As for the white spot raise the temp in the tank a couple of degrees at a time, over the next couple of days before you go, up to around 82 degrees but where you are going away it would be hard to properly use ich meds. You may be able to use some aquarium salt along with the raise in temp. Here is a Link to an article on ich that is from this site. HTH

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