Female Guppy Pregnancy,


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2009
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Hello, well the monday afternoon i bought home just 1 female guppy from my lfs, By the time i had got her home there were 4 fry in the bag with her!, Now i rushed out and bought a trap and put her in it, yet no more babies have appeared she is still fat and also has a very vivid black spot at the back, The other 4 babies seem healthy enough, SO the question is, are there more was it an early delivery? Is she going to give birth again? Also to not she has been hiding in my plants all day today and wont stop eating them more than she has done since i had her also wont stop pooing!, ANy help?? Thanks
Maybe being in transport from the store stressed her into having the fry sooner than usual, I'd wait and see
Maybe being in transport from the store stressed her into having the fry sooner than usual, I'd wait and see

Well i did suspect this, But they seem healthy so she must of been due soon, and i also though well 4fry doesn't seem a lot,
I had a platy that seemed to have a few fry every couple of days... maybe its like that or prob the move made her have a few early. but if shes not shinny then u prob gonna have some more!! yay for babies lol

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