Female Guppy had Babies


New Member
Sep 2, 2003
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I had purchased a 30 gallon tank about a week ago and I put guppies in it....two days later I have fry....it must have been sometimes in the middle of the night but the parents had gotten to the fry. :( I was only able to save two...I don't see any more right now. Since I am new at guppies I just need to know what to feed the fry..what temp..etc.One word: HELP! :huh:
feed them on liquid fry for about 2 weeks, then they should be ok with crushed flakes
Fry will eat very very finely crushed regular flake food. You can also buy fry food, but I find it to be sometimes a little bit TOO small. Just be careful not to overfeed, as they don't eat very much at all! :p Crush up your flakes in a little plastic baggie. As for their temperature, keep it stable and don't let it get too warm.. I lost fry that way.. by too warm, I mean in the 80's. (The light got left on!) Anything else you need to know, just ask.
i have 5 baby guppies and all i feed them is crushed flakes......they don't seem 2 like anything else except a blood worm that fell in the net.... :crazy: well they sucked all the stuff outa that and just left the outer shell
Hey, You might want to use a net and sortof go on the edges or anywhere where you see open space. they like to go into the rocks and kill themselves. :/ I wish I left like 15 of the baby mollies I had in the big tank, I didn't expect all of them to do this well.... Didn't want that many black mollies either... -_-
I just found three more this morning! And this fish place got my order wrong and are sending 30 guppies! :angry: I have like 50 guppies already for cryin out loud!*sobs*What to what to do.....*kicks tank* :blink: *tinkle*tinkle* :look:

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