Female Guppy - Fin Rot?

PMS Woody

New Member
Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Tank size: 29G
pH: 7.6pH
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10-ish
kH: -
gH: -
tank temp: 26C

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Lethargic. Swims but sticks to low current areas and is not very active. See photo.

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
30-40%, weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Fluval C3 HOB filter. Replaced carbon with ceramics. Added single dose of flourish 2 days ago for the first time.

Tank inhabitants:
6 x Assorted Guppy
6 x Zebra Danio
2 x Albino Bristlenose Pleco

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
6 Guppys added 3 days ago.

Exposure to chemicals:
1 dose of Flourish added 2 days ago. Use Prime as conditioner in water changes.

Digital photo (include if possible):

Other Notes:
No hospital tank available (its leaking) aside from plastic containers :sad:
She doesn't look well. Did she get like that after you got her? Is the tail just ripped or is there white or red/black edges?
I didn't notice it when I got her and I gave them a pretty good lookover before I brought them all home.

In the light the ripped edges have a very slight white edge, but in the corners of the tank or when she's hiding underneath something there isn't any white at all.
If it's just a ripped tail, then I wouldn't take any action bar keeping the water free of ammonia/nitrites and the normal weekly water changes. She looks like maybe she'd given birth not long ago B-)(her gravid area is still kind of open) . She's very skinny, maybe she is stressed additionally from the move to a new tank? Although I haven't experienced it myself, I've read on here people mentioning female guppy deaths after birth. Also, what's the male/female ratio between the 6?

Now, if any of the rest start experiencing the same, I'd go for antiparasitic, antibacterial meds for a start.
If it's just a ripped tail, then I wouldn't take any action bar keeping the water free of ammonia/nitrites and the normal weekly water changes. She looks like maybe she'd given birth not long ago B-)(her gravid area is still kind of open) . She's very skinny, maybe she is stressed additionally from the move to a new tank? Although I haven't experienced it myself, I've read on here people mentioning female guppy deaths after birth. Also, what's the male/female ratio between the 6?

Now, if any of the rest start experiencing the same, I'd go for antiparasitic, antibacterial meds for a start.

Ratio is 2:1. I just can't get over how green she looks. I know some fish are slightly translucent and you can see some internals, but she's just sickly green!

Anyways, I will keep an eye on her and make sure she gets something to eat. Thanks for the advice. If anything changes I'll update.

Ok so the one pictured above starting acting more lively and eating and looks to be healing but then I get home from work today and out of nowhere the OTHER blue female is dead!!! It look's like its mouth is missing!! Help!?

I don't see any signs of ANYTHING wrong with any of the other fish and last night this one was absolutely fine!

Is there anything I can do? Can I dose something to be safe or what? Waiting 5 min for test vials right now but the water quality has been fine! I'm in Canada so I've got access to most products by Hagen, API and Seachem. I know a lot of things are only available in some countries... Photo below:

Ammonia: Between 0-0.25. This never shows true yellow and as per other posts on this forum I'm inclined to believe that it actually is 0.
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: Between 5 and 10ppm.
Looks like fin rot to me, and possibly some internal problems as the first pic she seems rather thin, almost like fish-tb. Sorry for the loss keep an eye on the rest of your tank.
The first pic looks to me like stress related fin nipping from the move. It's happened to a few of my females and males if I stress the tank and usually gets better within a week if you make sure you keep the water parameters bang on.

The missing mouth, I don't know danios but my tetras nibbled corpses the two times i lost fish.

She does look a bit thin but the green/translucent colour in the first pic is identical to 4 of my females who have been healthy for over a year.

Do any other fish in the tank have frayed/nibbled/rotten fins?
The missing mouth does look like you fish and guppies may of nibbled it when its dead like when my neon tetra dead and i saw it in the morning bits of it were gone like its eye. And yes if you got the fish just from the shop there may be torn fins like when i got a new guppy (to replace my old one that died :rip: ) it had a little slit on the tail which went away after a few weeks. If your fish had fin rot did its tail looked blood streaked as that is one of the symtoms

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