Female Guppies


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk

Sorry to be a pain in the bum but 2 of my female guppies have very hollow bellies & appear to be on the thin side and 1 in particular keeps to the bottom of the tank and races from one side to the other side of the tank. while the other 1 stays at the top of the tank

I'm not sure whats wrong with them but they are eating there fair share of food.

Can someone help me

all water chemistry ok.
hhmmmm, don't know if I can help but that kinda sounds like when a dog gets worms. They eat and eat, but they lose weight. It could be some sort of intestinal parasite??? Some one please correct me if I'm wrong. Also I'm not to sure what to do about it. I'm sure there are meds that would help.

That is what mine seems to be doing I dont have any answers for you why dont you post message cm or william one what are you water readings ammonia and nitrites and ph and so have you tried some frozen blood worms it sure seem to do wonders for my balas and for that matter the rest of my fish to.

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