Female Guppies - Want To Add Fish


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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So my female guppies are now seperated from the males. There are 7 of them and they live in 20 g aquarioum together with two otos. But because female guppies aren't that colorful (tho some are pure yellow and others have a bit colored tails, just not as males) I would really like to add some fish that are more colorful, interesting in some ways. They must be of course guppy safe.
I was thinking about getting Siamese fighting fish, but I am also open to othere suggestions ;)
What do you think?

I also have 220 l aquarium with male guppies - what could I add with them? I am planing to buy 7 otos for that aquarium to clean algae, what do you think is it OK?

A shoal of neons, bleeding heart tetras or some ruby barbs, glowlight tetras and caradinal tetras. They should bring some colours into the tank, some corydoras at the bottom should be fine too.
THX :)

I really like glowlight tetras and cardinals. But I read somewhere that barbs can be nippy ?
So I will avoid fighting fish than...
Barbs can be nippy, depends on what type. I have golden barbs and they're absolutely fine and very hardy. They also do little mating dances with each other where they spin round and round, very entertaining. Never had a baby though, lol.
As Scooterchick mentioned, only some Barbs are nippy. Cherry, Pentazona, Octazona and Ticto Barbs are more peaceful so would be fine with your female guppies.
How about putting some other types of livebearers with the female guppys? Female swordtails and female platys are just as colorful as their male versions and will get along fine with guppys :thumbs: .
You could also try dwarf gourami's or a shoal of pearl danio's (their pinkish metallic coloring is very beautiful, once they've settled down in a tank and get a good diet they're likely to look even prettier) or bloodfin tetra's :thumbs: .

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