Female Guppies/ Fry


Feb 21, 2003
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Miserable Wells, Texas
I am new to the guppie world......trying to raise a few, one of my 5 females(all expecting) had her fry yesterday. I currently have mom and fry
in a 2 1/2 gal, with some hiding space.....
I don't have my 10 gal yet I was planning on putting the females in, but should be getting it within a couple of days.
My question is, if I put one more in with the other female and her young, will she eat the fry?

Or if I put mom back in my large tank, and put the female (about to pop at any moment) in with the fry...will she eat them?
Trish :S :D :unsure:
chances are mom will eat the fry :(

....but i'm no guppy expert either :/

I seperate all my fry from there mothers and raise them myself in a seperate 20 litre tank, but it's up to you really, if they dont make it then you will have some more very soon.

How is your baby looking? rounded belly suggests that it eats well. what are you feeding your baby on?
I still have mom in w/ them....not sure she is done yet...I think there are about 10 fry and they are doing good.....I am feeding them ground up flakes...when I feed them they group up and go for it just like the big fish!

I paid for my other tanks last week....and they were supposed to have them ready by now :grr: .

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