Female german blue ram


Apr 29, 2024
Reaction score
Menasha, Wisconsin
I rescued a lonely female german blue ram from a tank filled with angelfish 5 times bigger than her that were bullying her.
Ii saw em at the petstore so I had to rescue her.
I brought her home n out her in my 125 gallons community tank.
Shes doing fine n no other fish is bullying her but at feeding time while everyone else is eating like there is no tomorrow she stays in one corner of the tank close to the bottom not chasing food whatsoever.
I'm getting worry bout her not eating like the rest plus she was the only ram so she is the only ram in the tank.

Any advice bout how to help her eat ?
Rams like heat--82F or higher. I suspect that's too balmy for your community, so perhaps move her out to another, warmer tank?
They are a bottom feeder, try bug bites sinking pellets
She does try to eat the sinking pellets but they’re usually too big for her mouth. I hope she is finding something to eat . When I drop the flakes the other fish go crazy but she stays at the bottom. Bloodworms are mostly eaten right away by the other fish some fell to the bottom but the yo yos n Cory’s get em right away.
I’d been looking at her n she doesn’t look sick n she swims around all over the tank but at feeding time is when she worries me. I think I will follow the advice n put her into another tank by herself so she can eat

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