Female German Blue Ram Sick?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2013
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My female of my established pair of GBRs has changed moods drastically. Use to follow the male around and chase other fish, now just sits still at the bottom of my tank and hardly moves. She won't take food, either. Frozen brine, bloodworms, freeze dried bloodworms, flakes, algae pellets, etc. She also hides for hours at a time. Not sure how they behave before spawning, but her belly is pink and looks a bit larger than normal. Could this just be a sign of her getting ready to lay eggs, or is this something else? Thanks I. advance!
how long did you have them i believe they only have around a 2yr lifespan, ,maybe just old age
Only been a few weeks, so I doubt its from old age. Got them the day my LFS got them in.
How big is she? Any idea how old she is? What are your tank's chemistry levels (pH, ammonia, nitrites, etc.)?

I forgot to ask - what is the male doing...anything different?
Due to the females activity and such the male has taken a liking to a different female in the tank. They are all roughly 5-6 months old. My tanks PH is at 7.2 (I'd like to lower it to 6.8 for the rams), hardness at 50ppm, nitrate and nitrite under 10ppm. Not sure of ammonia. I have my own well, not sure if that really matters. The two females and one male are each 1.5 to 2" long from nose to tip of the tail. LFS told me they were fed hormone injected foods, which is why I'm curious about her. I want to bring all 3 back and replace them with a tank bred strain, but if she's about to lay eggs, I might as well keep the fry, and if she's going to die soon, id like to get them back to the LFS asap.
Can you still get your money back from the LFS? If you can, then I'd take them back. A few years ago I went through - literally - dozens of GBRs from the big box pet stores as well as the mom & pop stores...and every darn one of them died within days, weeks, or a few months. What a shame. What a waste. They acted the same way, just sort of shut down 'living', much like fish do when they are just plain old and it's time to go.

If you want to stick it out longer, I'd check your ammonia levels first. That, and do a 25% water change, and maybe 10% more after a few days.

It doesn't make sense for her not to be eating if she is getting ready to spawn - all of the female GBRs I have eat everything in sight just before spawning. Unless she really is sick, that is.

Good luck!
Theyll give me 80% back in store credit. I just bought a male and female juvenile tank bred pair, going to go get two more females and bring the other 3 back in. Thanks for the help!

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