Female Fighters.................


channa aka snakehead
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
Bournemouth Dorset / Medellin Colombia
i purchased 3 female fighters today 1red,1white,1blue to go into my community tank,,, with 3 xray tetras 2 platys 1 blue female fighter and 2 angel fish..........put the bag into tank<they are sisters>at first the one already in tank went mad :crazy: left for 1 hour then realesed them :huh: at first the old1 went rrrraaaaaahhhhhh displaying throat but no contact........ :sad: now they all seem fine no more action B) fingers crossed they all 4 seem buddie fied but early days at some point i will post pics of all my fish but have a few probs at moment which has taken up most my time
An hours a long time to leave them bagged. :/
Bygones, glad they're ok. Expect some heirarchy issues to crop up. They always do sooner or later.
bag was opened and rolled down to add little by little water :blink: i love fighting fish they have so much personality dont they....world war 3 could brake out or world peace lets hope for latter 1
Lol ok, got the impression you'd just dangled the bag in and left them to it. :lol: I have 7 girls, 6 of whom live together. The other is seperated due to her being blind.
For the most part they all live happily and content with each other in their 30g home. But one of the girls is a bit of a handful. She's a beautiful girl and rather vain with it. It's how she earnt her name 'Vanity'. She flares at the others on and off but doesn't cause any harm and they generally ignore her. She's gotten worse since becoming full of eggs but, since she doesn't try and hurt anyone and it's all showing off, I don't worry about it. She's not the boss and I know if she gets out of hand she'll get herself in trouble. :rolleyes: But I do have to keep an eye on her behaviour. She has particularly long finnage for a girl and the slightest nip is very obvious. (She's a fancy hm.) Unfortunately the males find her long fins somewhat upsetting and have been known to go for her as a male despite her doing all the right moves for a lady in heat. :X
Best of luck with your girls. :thumbs:
An hours a long time to leave them bagged. :/

You do know they ship them in bags (much smaller then petshop bags at that), right? They will be in them overnight, sometimes longer.


these were in the bag for several days.

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