female community & whisper internal filter


New Member
Mar 24, 2005
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i ended up with an extra 10 gallon and now have 2 females in it with a heater and a whisper internal filter. they are so incredibly sweet!! they settled in instantly, are hungry and swim together. they really seem to get along good. thinking about getting a few more females but am not sure if i want to upset such a good relationship or do most females get along this good? did i just get lucky?
i do have some live plants in it but didn't want to fill it up with too much stuff so they could swim. i've seen a few pics of female tanks and they seem to have quite a few plants and objects to hide in. is it better to have more hiding places or swimming area?
also trying a new filter, whisper internal for 2 to 10 gallons. has anyone tried this filter? it seems good because it doesn't stir up the water at all really but i'm wondering if it is filtering well. it does have the bio bag etc, and has water that pours out of it silently so there isn't a big current or lots of noise. considering using it in my boys tanks if it works good. thanks~
First off, congrats on finding 2 gals that don't want to kill each other! :)
If you do decide to get more, and you can safely get up to 3 more, you'll need to take the 2 out that are in there now, rearrange everything and dump them all back in at the same time. OR the pecking order could be disturbed. (I just went through this whole thing and now I have 5 fabulous gals in my 10G tank)!

They love to have places to hide.
Here's my girly tank:

The little rock cave down in the right corner is VERY popular among the girls. Except when the eternal queen of the tank decides to cruise through there and chase everyone out just for kicks. :rolleyes:
But the seem to LOVE to hide behind the slate, in the grass, under the rock cave and they really like to chase each other through the holes in the driftwood (psst - that driftwood is fake, i got it at PetSmart and they LOVE it!)

good luck with your tank!
Oh, by the way - I have that filter on my girls' tank and I love it! It's so nice and quiet. I did, however, end up shoving some filter sponge into the intake tube to slow down the filter and they seem much happier since I did that!

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