Female betta's?


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
Hi I haven't found much information on females, and I don't have much time, If somone here can point me to a factsheet, or give me some info on basic or minimum conditions

My understanding is you can keep one or more than three? Can three work in a small bowl like a male one gallonish with good filtration?


I don't think I would put 3 females in a 1G. That is just asking for trouble. I would go with either one in a 1G or I would get at least 4 and put them in a 10G maybe bigger. I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination though, so don't take my word for gospel. HTH
Females should be kept in at least groups of 4, or singly. There are some females who will tolerate groups of less, but it's best not to risk it. They CAN be as snotty and aggressive as the males.

Technically, if you want a relatively small tank and more than one female, then you can get a 2.5 gallon (I wouldn't recommend any smaller for more than one female), and, either do great filtration, or do 100% water changes at least once a week. Then you can have 4 females together...but, seriously, if you're going to do that, you have to be very good about your water changes, even with good filtration, and you have to provide plenty of hiding places like caves and plants. Again, because some females can be as snotty and aggressive as the males.

Basic care is the same as males. And you can keep ONE in a 1 gallon bowl same as you can a male.

Edit: Even better, though, is about 5-6 females in a 10 gallon tank. With good filtration, a heater, and lots of places to hide. That would be a very ideal setup for females.
Alright thankyou I might look into the 2.5 gallon I'm just thinking and can't really find anything, I can do watter changes with my other fish once a week anyways so I don't think I'd slack there and I'd try and fit in the biggest spongefilter I can, If I end up doing this
Just curious, why do they do better with 4 or more vs. 2-3?
It spreads out the aggression. There is always one or two in the bunch who are haggy and love to harass others, and if there are only 2 or 3 of them, someone always ends up living her entire life in fear.
I have a 10G tank with 6 girls in it. Back when I just had 4 girls in there, there was a bit of nipping and harassing going on. With 6, everyone minds their own business except for a day or two here or there when it's egg time. 6 seems to be perfect for a 10G. :)
Prizm said:
Just curious, why do they do better with 4 or more vs. 2-3?
As I understand it, there will always be one who is bigger and/or more aggressive than the rest. If they are in a larger group, then there is "safety in numbers." But, if they are in a small group, then the bully will pick on the others.

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