Female Bettas


Fish Herder
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
I heard a lot of people say that they have females that are retaining eggs, but don't plan on breeding them. I was just wondering if this is bad for them? What happens if they hold the eggs? Will they release them? Is there something they need to do? My Sita doesn't look like she has eggs, but I don't want her to get them and then not know what to do with them. Any information on the topic would be great :)

Females will release the eggs when they need to, and then they usually eat them, so you'll rarely see them. Many females will do this on a monthly basis if they don't get bred. It's not bad at all, very normal. The only problem is if they become eggbound, which is very rare and not something to be concerned about.

shrks1fan said:
The only problem is if they become eggbound, which is very rare and not something to be concerned about.

So, does that mean they are just retaining eggs and not releasing them? What should be done if this happens? And how will I know this is occuring?
It means something is blocking the eggs from coming out, so they just keep building up inside her. I've never seen it myself except on a picture I believe on this forum some time back, the female just got incredibly large in the egg carrying area (around the white ovipositor spot).

that was my girl that was eggbound :(
i fasted her and fed her medicated food for internal parasites.
she became eggbound in may and she has just recently gotten over it (not sure of the correct term)
just last week i stopped her "diet" and started feeding her like the rest of the bettas again.
im not going to attempt to breed her again because im not sure if she would become eggbound again :( shes my most expensive fish and i dont want to risk losing her...even though she would make fabulous babies... :(

someone in another forum told me to rub the spot with stresscoat iwht a cotton swab. that didnt help thouh :(
im pretty sure i was just lucky that she didnt die.
i hope it never happens to any of your bettas tekkno!

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