female bettas

st fran

New Member
Nov 16, 2003
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Melbourne Australia
:huh: Can I add female Bettas to a community tank?

Just got my first beautiful ruby red male fighter. Would like to add 2-3 female playmates for him.
My tank is 45 gallons or so. 48 inchesx14x18. With rocks, wood, plants and gravel.
Will the females be OK in a mixed tank?
I have
1 Opaline f gourami (gets on fine with betta)
3 f congo tetra (betta likes to herd them)
2 green cory catfish.

Will the female betta be all right to keep in tank with other fish?
Please share your experiences.
That's a mildly stocked tank,which is a good thing. I've never tried males and females together unless they're breeding -_- . But I've heard of people doing it, and having such a large tank as you do is an advantage. Does your male seem pretty mild mannered? If so, I'd say...go for it. Just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Have an extra tank ready to remove either the male or the females or one female ,ya never know how it's going to go. Bettas are so outrageous and different, there just may be a trouble maker in the bunch who is best being alone or beside the tank. Make sure there's heavy foilage and lots of hiding spots and let us know how it goes :thumbs:

And by the way, welcome to the forum :D :hi:
Thanx Wuvmybetta. :)

The tank is planted with ferns and cabomba. Everyone has a home.
My Gourami "Bluebelle" has a large rock cave, and the betta has made his bed in the java fern planted on top of the cave. He is a very confident little guy and loves chasing the conga tetra even though they are bigger than him in body size. He doesn't nip, just has fun. Won't go at the gourami.

There are good hiding places but I hesitate to upset what is a happy tank.

My lovely betta boy isn't lonely, I just saw some very pretty females and thought he might like some feminine company. But now I will wait and find out some more before I do anything. Sounds like they all have different personalities.

You have so many tanks. where do you keep them all?
I'm the same way with "everybody has a home" in my tanks

I've seen tanks before that were so overstocked the fish could barely turn around :blink: ,less is definately more :nod:

I tried keeping three females together once and they bickered constatly so I seperated them, your probably right to wait. You could always get a female and put her in a small tank next to your big tank ,all of my males have female neighbors and it's a riot to watch them flirt through the glass :lol:

And to answer your question...my tanks are everywhere :rolleyes: ,theliving room,dining room,bedrooms and bettas everywhere that has a sturdy warm spot :lol: :wub:
Well firstly i keep all my bettas mixed however don't just do it because I do it. I normally pick my bettas carefully and at different ages to make sure they get along. You can always try 45g is quite big and females don't particularly like deep tanks. Nice to see you have caves. Make sure its heavily planted and if your gonna get females monitor them together with the male. Have at least 2 females. They will establish a pecking order ;) Anyway good luck
Your house sounds amazing wuvmybetta :cool: Would love to see the setup. do you share with other humans too?

And Kossy, I have a lot to learn about bettas. As I said above this little bloke is my first, I'm so delighted with him. After looking through the posts I may not take the chance with females. as I don't know enough. Didn't know they are aggressive.

In a coupla days when I have some money i'll be down the local aquarium looking at smaller tanks. Maybe 10g. for another male betta. Once you've got the betta syndrome........ :fun:

For my larger tank 45g. I could just get some more corys or congo tetra (2 more) as they all seem to work well together.

thanx for sharing,
I tend to let my females (just females) grow first in a tank. Then after a while when there big enough i introduce a young male. I find the male gets bullied excessivly for about a day. I tend to turn the lights off whenever possible so he doesn;t get to stressed. HOwever in a day or two the male will establish his order in the peckign order as leader and will begin to chase the females. The females each other and this goes on forever either way its natural good luck!!! ;)
OK. I need that advice on how to go about it. Feeling inspired.

I would really love to keep bettas in the same tank.

So get 2 or 3, prolly 3 females the same size, then later add male.

What size tank would be best? It needs to be planted with lacey floating fern, and hiding places yes?
Since the plan is to get another tank this could be what I'll try.

Btw the male is now building a bubble nest. Been hard at it all day. Does this mean he wants to mate? or will he do this anyway.
Getting excited about this now, will let you know how things go. :kana:
For 1 male and 3 females I suggest something like at least a 30 gal, with lots of plants and hiding places as you guessed. A tank that size should be on the safe side, but it depends a lot on the personalities of the bettas.

I've once kept a couple in a 16 gal successfully, but that was a lazy and unusually non-aggressive male. I wouldn't try more than one female in a tank that small though, since some of my females have been even more aggressive than the males.
Might have to wait untill after xmas for this project.
Seems I started with a modest idea of 2-3 F bettas and now it's grown to a 30+gallon tank. :rolleyes:

Still looking, but a bit short of funds right now, OK to wait a bit.

In the meantime I'd still like a smaller tank, for 1 male who will be king, and a coupla small compatable companions. Not female Bettas till I can really set up.

Appreciate the info. and all who replied.
st fran said:
Seems I started with a modest idea of 2-3 F bettas and now it's grown to a 30+gallon tank. :rolleyes:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's how it goes, after you set up your 30 you'll find SO MANY fish you want,but some won't get along with others or they require different water types/more space and that's how you end up with 5 or 6 tanks :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Wuvmybetta,

Yes I did say something about you having so many tanks. Good you are having a laugh.
I can well see how I might end up with fishies everywhere. :D

My home is not as large as yours, but I'm already picturing where to put the new tanks.
my homes not large at all, that's the funny part :lol: , I actually had to move my loveseat into the garage to make room for the big tank in the living room :lol: , I figured house guests don't need a place to sit...they can just stand and stare at my tank :lol: :rolleyes:

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