Female Bettas


Fish Herder
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
What kind of disposition does a female Betta have? Is it the type of fish you could put into a community tank that does not have a male Betta or do they tend to be aggressive towards the same other fish that a male Betta would be?

I've been seeing more and more nice looking females lately and thought I might get one for the tank listed in my signature.

but ur tank in't it fully stocked all ready?? and female wouldn't go very wel with a male, male very agresive and only tolerant female if they are ready to breed. so i fu really want one get one and i am sur eit will be fin in there. :thumbs: but rember those clown loaches are goign to gorw to 12 inches long :unsure:
Females are great! Just as much personality as the males :nod: . A hex would be a little tall for her though....that's a loooong travel up to the top for a gulp of air
I think you're stocked enough already. Hex tanks hold less fish than a rectangular tank with the same amount of water - the surface area of a hex is much smalle than that of a rectangular tank. The amount of fish depends not only on the amount of water, but also the surface area of the tank - the larger the area, the more fish. But, if you really want a female - they're great community fish and are not nearly as aggresive as the males. Several females can be kept in the same tank with no problems.
My female, Eleni, thinks she's a guppy! She's got an awesome disposition, and sometimes I catch her on the bottom of the tank pretending to be a cory... she's really silly.

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