Fish Addict
i am not asking this question for the immediate future but for the distant future my rescued male betta is doing great but seems fairly old so you know i expect a year or less an he will be in the great lake above same with my neons my harlequins can be moved easy and same for swordtails however i expect my krib has a long time to go an my loaches also and my tank shall always have an adf lol mine seems healthy so no worrys there (all my fish are healthy but some are old the betta doesnt seem to old yet but it still seems a wee overage) anyway i was wonderin if i could keep female betta community in my tank with 1 krib 2 polka dot loaches 1 adf if so this is something i shall do in the future
i am not asking this question for the immediate future but for the distant future my rescued male betta is doing great but seems fairly old so you know i expect a year or less an he will be in the great lake above same with my neons my harlequins can be moved easy and same for swordtails however i expect my krib has a long time to go an my loaches also and my tank shall always have an adf lol mine seems healthy so no worrys there (all my fish are healthy but some are old the betta doesnt seem to old yet but it still seems a wee overage) anyway i was wonderin if i could keep female betta community in my tank with 1 krib 2 polka dot loaches 1 adf if so this is something i shall do in the future