Female Bettas

silver tipped

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
New milton, Hampshire

I have 3 female bettas who get on famously. Fingers crossed it will stay like that.

Now they are going to be moved shortly to a bigger tank - 10g or maybe 15g. I have read that in a new tank, with a new set up my original bettas would have no territory and I could therefore add more?

True or false?

Also if I were to leave them as they are what, if anything, could be added? I have read so many different responses to this and maybe it depends on the betta but any help would be good.

I have placed some unwanted snails in their tank and although at first they watched them like hawks they soon lost interest.

ta in advance
If you are going to get some more female betta's then you should add them all at the same time, otherwise your original 3 betta's will already have set up their territorial borders and any new ones would have a hard time.

So wait before putting in your original girls and buy your new ones (do the usual incubation with them) and then add your exisiting girls along with the new ones to your new tank all at once. That way they will all be fresh to the new tank.
It does all depend on the personalities of the fish. But, if you're addint new fish, do it when you move the old fish to the new tank. Even the 3 that co-exist together nicely now may want to re-establish dominance once in the new tank (bettas will often retest each other--the girls usually do this lining up side-to-side and bump each other with their tails). Just make sure there are lots of obstacles and hiding places (mine like a huge cloud of floating plants to dive into when being chased rather than a cave where they might get cornered). As far as other fish and such--as always you'll be taking your chances. Most of my bettas, including females, will and eat any snails I put in (they kill shrimp, they kill other fish--blood thirsty bunch of girls). At one point I had cories in with a tank a girls (but you need to give the cories places to hide in or they stress) but had a big problem making sure some food got down to the cories since the bettas would eat everything. Do quarantine your new fish before putting in with your existing fish to make sure the new ones will not contaminate the tank or your old girls.

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