Female Bettas


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
So, I was having a pretty craptastic day. I mean, really just a #@%&^$* bad day. So I sat down and took photos of my fish. Which made me feel better.

This is Persephone. She is one of the two largest female bettas I have and she terrorizes the other females while she pals around with Agrona. I bred this girl myself, she is the only one I’m keeping from this spawn I decided.



Agrona from Splashluff. Built like a friggin tank, the largest female betta I own other than Persephone. Her tail is so perfect.


Itsaso. One of the meanest female bettas I have. She will go head to head with Persephone and Agrona and make them back down despite being at least half an inch smaller. Part CT, I bred this one myself.

Agrona and Itsaso.

That stunning marble again from Splashluff. Have yet to find a name worthy of her. She always hangs out at the front of the tank. Nobody nips at her really because she’s very shy and doesn’t pick fights. I usually have to push the mob of females aside and feed her away from them to make sure she gets enough to eat.


Another girly I still need to name. She’s got such cute markings on her face.

Yes, very pretty ladies, so fat and sassy. :wub:

Great job on your part CT, Itsaso. I really like her finnage. All your bettas look great!

Yeah, looking at my fish makes me feel happy too.
Thank you. My next spawns will be even better! I'm planning an OHM melano crossed with a super black PK and platinums! Plus some blue and marbly fishes. :3

I love how excited they get when I come over, how they all crowd to the front hoping for food. It's so adorable.
:* lovely girls. I am not surprised they cheer you up! I have got no girls had a few but they were such poor babies they never survived...c..p lfs! and I never even got photos! :(
That's too bad. I bought some from a LFS who's tank was infected with cottonmouth when I was first getting into bettas, they died overnight from it. I told the LFS as soon as I found out what it was, but they never did anything about it.

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