Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Hey Guys,
Just an Updtae on my tank,
I have changed it over to a Female betta tank now that i can buy all types of females in Coventry, we have a new Supplier and they are seling ALL TAIL TYPES for 1-1.50GBP each.
Got Some Lovely Fish before i left to go on holiday.
1 Yellow HM DT
2 White HM DT
and some CT and ST.
Lost a few due to holes in the Bogwood and Getting Stuck, but solved these buy planting Crypts all over where they can get stuck.
Will post pix when I am back in England and get Internet @ the Rents house.
Gonna Visit a few Aquariums in Chandigarh Today - last night they were closed buy the time the wife had finished shoppinh for shoes and handbags.
Cant believe how cheap stuff here is. We Spent 10K and Clothes here and it only came to 150GBP, these would have cost Nearly 1K GBP in leicester or Birmingham. The Wife now hs enough shoes and handbags to last her ages.
Please excuse the Typing, still getting used to an Indian Keyboard
Just an Updtae on my tank,
I have changed it over to a Female betta tank now that i can buy all types of females in Coventry, we have a new Supplier and they are seling ALL TAIL TYPES for 1-1.50GBP each.
Got Some Lovely Fish before i left to go on holiday.
1 Yellow HM DT
2 White HM DT
and some CT and ST.
Lost a few due to holes in the Bogwood and Getting Stuck, but solved these buy planting Crypts all over where they can get stuck.
Will post pix when I am back in England and get Internet @ the Rents house.
Gonna Visit a few Aquariums in Chandigarh Today - last night they were closed buy the time the wife had finished shoppinh for shoes and handbags.
Cant believe how cheap stuff here is. We Spent 10K and Clothes here and it only came to 150GBP, these would have cost Nearly 1K GBP in leicester or Birmingham. The Wife now hs enough shoes and handbags to last her ages.
Please excuse the Typing, still getting used to an Indian Keyboard