female bettas


New Member
Sep 15, 2003
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hi i have two female bettas, my first femalebetta i got about two sundays ago and i wanted to get her a friend, so i bought her another female betta. Two days after buying the new betta she had a bite in her fin and my first female continuosly chased her around the bowl (it is almost a quart), then i put them in a one liter tupperware bowl, and they would only flare upat eachother, so i returned the second betta and bought another, when i got the new fish home, they fought, so i quickly removed teh new betta from the one liter bowl. I then returned her and got another (by this tiime the pet store people were getting peed off at me). when i brought home the third female, she was a little nicer, but still somewhat hostile, so i bought a second plant and placed it in the bowl, hoping each would have it's own place to retreat to, but it didn't work out that way. My first betta didn't allow the new one anywhere near the two plants, so i removed the new betta. Is there any hope for being able to place my first betta with other fish, and would it be possible to put the two fish back together.
Bettas are territorial and I'm afraid that that little bowl doesn't give your betta anywhere near enough territory. You can have several females if you get a bigger tank (10-20 gals) with plenty of plants and bogwood to hide in and divide up territories.

Also, apparently people on this forum have had males that looked like females, and vice versa.

Incidently, bettas aren't particularly social and don't always appreciate a "friend".
a quart of water? that's just enough for a single female, if you mean a gallon though even that isn't enough for two. grrly-one was probably protecting what little territory she had.

or you really do have a transvestite betta :p
LoL some males are short finned and look quite similar to females. You definetly need at least a 10g tank because the bettas will need quite a bit of space to sort out territories.
LoL i meant in laughing at the comments about transies not LoL in you don't know anything :D
At the moment I have 4 rescued female bettas in a 10g. They all seem to get along just fine. Im prolly add one more if I see one I really like. I also have a pair of melano crowntails but they each have their own 2 gallon homes.
speaking of transvestite bettas... :*)

I bought a short tailed male about 6 months ago, a couple of weeks ago I noticed that he was incredibly bloated ,I thought "oh noooo,not dropsy!" then a couple of days later I noticed...stripes! :lol:
I had bought him/her from my favorite lfs so when I was in there I mentioned it to the owner....he replied..."it was a male when it left here,you just turned it into a wuss :lol: " :rolleyes: , needless to say he was embarrased but it was no biggie to me, I thought it was hilarious

He sells tons of the "short tailed males" to a certain pair of customers who -_- ...fight them :sad: , how boring those betta fights must have been :lol: :no:

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