Female Bettas With Neons? 10 Gallon


Jul 21, 2011
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I currently have a 10 gallon with 1 glofish, 1 zebra danio (had 6, 4 died), 2 harlequin rasboras (had 6, 4 died), and 5 neon tetras. When the danio and glofish die, I was thinking about adding 4 or 5 female bettas. Will they be okay with the neons? I know that males and neons don't get along so well. I could add a lot of plants for the neons. Right now it has fake bamboo coming out of a rock, a fake coral piece, and a log.

The filter is for a 20 gallon tank, so filter wise I'm sure I'd be fine. But I don't want to overcrowd the fish. Also, down the line could I add some corys? Then I'd have a group of top swimmers, middle swimmers, and bottom dwellers. I've checked every fish store withing 45 minutes of my house and NONE of them sell pygmy corys. a few of them do sell green corys, peppered corys, and albino corys.

That would most certainly be too overcrowded. You also need need to sort out your Harlequins IMO.
Should seriously upgrade to a 20g if you want to keep that many fish, I mean I did and now I'm very happy with my tank size I could have four school's of fish in my aquarium if I wanted. (Thats if each school has only 5 members anyways)
Ok. What about ONLY female bettas? Could I have 5? There would definitely be lots of hiding places. Would 3 Corys be ok with the 5 bettas or is that too crowded?
Ok. What about ONLY female bettas? Could I have 5? There would definitely be lots of hiding places. Would 3 Corys be ok with the 5 bettas or is that too crowded?

I'd say ditch the cory idea, so you can have them in at least a group of six some day, and put in some type of shrimp. 5 fem's in a 10g sounds okay... I have no personal experience with them but I don't approve of keeping a schooling fish in a group of 3 6-8 is a better minimum.

Anyways you'll probably do what ever you want and if it works it works. If not you were warned :D

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