Female Bettas With Mouth Fungus! Help Please


New Member
May 11, 2006
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Tampa, Florida
Yesterday somebody by the name of wilder on here told me that my fish had mouth fungus and to go to the pet store and buy somthing called Maracyn 1 & 2, well I bought it and it dosn't really give me a clear under standing of when I add the other one. I added the first tablet last night and the fish made it through the night "yay" although this morning my veiltail betta looks like she is going to die. She is floating at the top and breathing but barely. I really need to know when I should add the other tablet. It said on the first package that I should repeat treatment for five days or more if needed but it didn't say anything about Maracyn 2 or when I should use it. If you know what i'm talking about and can help me please repost. I want to say thank you to wilder for helping me and my fish. Thanks so much.
I am not quite sure, but I believe if Wilder told you that you need to use both, then probably the two together? You better wait for better confirmation, but I would think that that is what Wilder means. Probably depending on the size of the tank, you may have to cut up the tablet, as i believe the whole thing is meant for a 10 gallon if i'm not mistaken. Again, wait for better confirmation.

One other thing, I don't think you need to start a new topic about this, seeing as you already have one on the main page with pretty much the same title.

If someone here doesn't answer you soon, I suggest posting in the Tropical Fish Emergencies, they are amazing people there, that help pretty much right away. That's how I saved my fish from velvet and other diseases.
You can use the two together. Just put both in at the same time if you like each day for up to 5 days and then you can repeat the course one more time if you need to. Good luck!

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