Female Bettas With Eggs


Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts
Today, I adoped 6 female bettas. they are fat with eggs. The LFS guythat gave em to me said that if they don't get rid of their eggs, they might die. These bettas came fomr someone who either initiated spawning and stopped it or accidently put in a male and took them out when they started spawning.

have 6 really fat female bettas, some worse than others, so how do I get the m to expel the eggs?? I have this awesome lemon yellow one that is the worst. I don't want her to die. What do I do?
geez, its nothing to be worried about. they will get rid of their eggs by themselves soon if there is no male to mate with. female betta with eggs are healthy i think
females will drop the eggs, im pretty sure a betta is smart enough to drop eggs before it kills itself

you have nothing to be worried about, i have 2 females who are huge, and one day ill look into the tank and they will be as skinny as a twig :)
you have no idea... want a pic?? lol.. shes HUGE


I'm going to bring her to a friend who might be able to strip her.
in that pic, it looks like your betta is an arowana with an upsidedown brain on its stomach :lol: thats kind of odd that its that fat. hopefully they are eggs and not other stuff. well, you can sorta just squeeze the eggs out yourself, just look at how a male squeezes her and imitate him with your fingers. i saw some fish farmers sqeezing eggs out of salmon and trout, i dont see why it cant work for betta
i heard from somewhere if you rub a q tip or something against her egg tube the eggs will come out or starve her

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