Female Betta's Friends


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal Quebec, Canada
K, here's a list of fish that snowy has, if I get her a female betta would these fish all get along?

Glow Lights
Neon Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Pepper cories
Adult White Skirt Tetra
Fancy male Guppies
Fancy female Guppies

I'd have to say no, but this is just my experiences talking. I got 2 female bettas by surprise, and since I only had room for one, stuck the other in with my platys and cherry barbs. She TORMENTED them!! :eek: She was just awful, she'd literally lie in wait and then BAM out of the shadows she would fly! Always nipping at them, especially at feeding time. Eventually my fish got so stressed I decided to switch the two. The next girl was definitely toned down, but still had the same actions. She bugged them a lot too. Unfortunately, one of my platies died soon after, and I think it may have been do to the stress. I don't think that's a risk you wanna take with your lady's fish!! -_- Female bettas can be just as aggressive as males, and I have seen many a male attack guppies and cories. I would say your best bet is to buy a little gallon Kritter Keeper or something of the sort and keep her by herself. Mine are happy as little clams in theirs!! :thumbs:
The bigger the tank the better.

The females can live in conditions similar to male bettas, so yes, a large bowl would do fine. But it sure would be happier in a big one.

Well the bowl I'm talking about is as big as the one my male is in, in my videos, it's the largest bowl variety we have at our walmart, besides the ugly flat sided ones (eww)
I think she'll be just fine in a bowl like that. I actually have one of the same ones, with my newest Crowntail boy in it. He seems quite happy, besides the fact he is the shyest betta I've ever seen. :rolleyes: Just make sure to stay on top of cleaning/water changes, and she will be great. Let us know what you find! :D
Ahem....if I can interrupt to say...

"OMG'sh julie!!! Petsmart has the 1 gallon KK's on sale for 2.50!!!!!" :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Not sure if it's a nationwide sale (although I'm almost positive it is)....you'll find them over by the hamster stuff,cleverly hidden and outrageously cheap :hyper:

I bought like 10 of them ...just in case I ever need them :shifty:
wuvmybetta said:
Ahem....if I can interrupt to say...

"OMG'sh julie!!! Petsmart has the 1 gallon KK's on sale for 2.50!!!!!" :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Not sure if it's a nationwide sale (although I'm almost positive it is)....you'll find them over by the hamster stuff,cleverly hidden and outrageously cheap :hyper:

I bought like 10 of them ...just in case I ever need them :shifty:
Thank you thank you THANK YOU wuv!!! I am going out TOMORROW! :lol: Lol you and your 10..... "in case you need them".... in other words, now you have room for more... whenever you see them!! :D :rolleyes: But now I'm going to be the same way, I figure I better pick up at least 2.... in case I ever need them.


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