Female Bettas Fight??

Coral Dolpfin Cove

New Member
Sep 2, 2004
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I did my research before I bought some female bettas. I put them together and all of them fight. I was told that I could put females together. What's going on? Can anyone help me?
yes, female bettas can fight to the extent to male bettas if they're tank is not set up properly. To set up a female betta tank, it's recommended to have at least 10 g with at least 4 female bettas in it.

To start with teh tank, it must be very well planted, with lots of hiding space and perferably no "open areas" where they can have a fight. 4 fmelae bettas is necessary becuase if you only get 2, they will fight each other adnt he stronger one will bully the weaker one to death. 3, and the two stronger ones will gang up on the weakest one, and therefore 4 will spread out all the aggression.

so, what size tank are they in and how many do you have?
A reccomended minimal tank size would be a 10g for 4 females what kinda tank size are they in?
the tank should be well planted or at least have lots of hiding places and things at all levels to break up the free space.

it alsodepends on your particular females. some are very agressive and some are not.
as cutecotton said and bettalover repeated, you should have a minumum of four.
personally i have foud that my magic number is six in a ten gallon.
you might have to do some switcihgn around to get the correct chemistry of fish.

one of my tanks has a large female plakat who is extremely peaceful and she keeps the rest of the girls in line. i was lucky to have a girl that was peaceful and a giant.

do you have any pictures of your current set-up?
My aqaurium isn't 10 gallons. Is there any way to "introduce" them into a smaller aquarium where they won't fight?
I seriously doubt it because they will establish a heirarchy no matter which order you will put them in. You might simply be better off putting each of them in a 1-2 gallon tank alone. Just keep one in your larger tank and add some other community fish. :)
How large is your tank?
Coral Dolpfin Cove said:
My aqaurium isn't 10 gallons. Is there any way to "introduce" them into a smaller aquarium where they won't fight?

maybe a 5 gallon could be used IF the females were all extremely peaceful, which you have stated that they are not.

10 gallon tanks are very cheap and if you still want to keep them together, you will need at least that size.
how many females do you have?
4 or more spreads the aggression out more evenly-unless you have 3 bullies and a weak one.

you will probably need to take them out asap because if one gets beat up and stressed, she will likely become ill and the other fish will pick on her even more and eventually kill her. sadly i speak from experience on that one :(
a 5g should be ok for 4 of them.. but hiding places are key..

i have like 9 in a 10g.. a couple of the bigger ones took over certain places in the tank..

4 should be ok in a 5g tank..

but i wouldnt try anything smaller than a 5g
oh goodness! get a bigger tank! I got my 10 gallon at wallmart for $9 , the lid cost a little more but you can just get a reptile style screen mesh lid for cheaper. Lots and Lots and lots of live plants will be the best decorations, regardless of how violent your fish are if they have good places to hide it might make all the difference.

But of course, this is all comming from a person who spends anywhere between 15 and 100 dollars on her fish every pay check. oi. What it comes down to is this, you want your fish to be happy and beautifull, correct? Money is just money, there will be more of it, but these fish are living creatures. it takes very little cash to keep them happy once the tank is boughten and set up, so why not?

* end speech*

sorry, i get very wordy... and i like my fish. ^_^'

leck85 said:
a 5g should be ok for 4 of them.. but hiding places are key..

i have like 9 in a 10g.. a couple of the bigger ones took over certain places in the tank..

4 should be ok in a 5g tank..

but i wouldnt try anything smaller than a 5g
maybe you can do that but if she is new to fishkeeping, she should not go with a 5 gal.

you know that now there are things that uyou can do that you shouldnt have done when starting out. you have to remember that.

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