Female Bettas And Possible Tankmates


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
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Hello there,

I've just started my first tank and it is fully cycled. It is a 29 gallon, currently home to 5 female Betta and a few bunches of Moneywort and Corkscrew Val. Initially, I planned on this being a tropical community tank. I wanted to add a Dwarf Gourami, a couple of Honey Sunset Gourami, and a large school of Tetras or Rasboras.
From everything I've read, the Gourami seem to be out of the question. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for tankmates for my girls. Would it be better to go the tropical semi-aggressive route? I know most of those fish will become too large for my tank, but perhaps Rosy Barbs? Or would they just devour my Bettas' fins? I'm beginning to think my community tank is out of the question. Anyone have ideas?
Gouramis are definitively out of the question as they belong to the same family as bettas. What you definitively can add to your betta tank are some cories. It is mostly easier to add 1 female betta to a community tank, than to add other community fish to a betta sorority tank!
i think with female bettas there peaceful so you could keep anything with a female but no gouramis cos they might fight, its the male bettas you need to be careful about
Would a school of Harlequin Rasbora be alright?
I know my questions are a bit subjective but any input would be appreciated!
I've never kept female bettas in a community tank but my thought are that a school of harlequins would be fine.
No barbs :no:
If you like the look of plecos try some parotocinlus jumbo, pitbull plecs; metallic green 2" scavenger, must be kept in groups, fairly hardy, keeps your substrate well-cleaned (unlike alot of plecs these are true scavengers) and interesting....
Or maybe a larger plec...
Then again you may not be quite so eager to get a plec.

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