Female Bettas And Distended Belly


New Member
Dec 26, 2012
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I have five beautiful female bettas , four crown tails, and one veil tail. Three of crown tails have protruding bellies, the one with the most noticeable belly looks like she swallowed a pea. It's not dropsy as I have had fish that have had that, it doesn't look the same. I was wondering if it the breed of betta or something else.
They are eating and at least one of them were having a bowel movement.. Should I seperate them so I can make sure they are going to the bathroom okay?
I would start with removing them to "watch" them in a bare bottom situation.  I would fast for at least 3 days and see if their bellies loose some of the round bloated look.  Some pics from the side and from above of each female with the issue would help.
What size tank are they in?
Do they tankmates other than other betta females?
What is the temperature of the tank?
What do you feed your bettas?
Answers to all these questions will make it easier for us to help you.  :)

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