Female Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2004
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Well I have been looking for a female for quite some time now. I wanted one to breed with my male betta. I have a 10 gallon tank for them that shall be empty soon when my 30 gallon cycles. Well I was just wondering, if she was a baby. My male I am pretty sure is full grown. He is a crowntail and has tons of colors on him. She on the other hand is tiny, the male is about 4 times her size. She has very little color too. Is she still a baby? I would post pictures but I don't have a camera. Thanks for any advice. ;)
Excluding the fins, the two should be relatively similar in size.

Tips on breeding:
Get 2+ females and one or more males
This way if a female is ton up and unable to breed, you have a backup. If the male won't breed, you can float another male to egg the first on or you could breed with the other male.

Good luck.

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