Female Betta.


Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
northern IL
I have a male betta i want to try to bread him. But i cant find a female betta in my area. Where should i look/go to find a female betta? He is so lonely :sad:

their are lots of places you could get them....depending on how much you want to spend and the tail type of the female you want. if i were you i'd go here

- www.bcbetta.com
- www.aquabid.com
Also, check to see if there are any breeders in your area, check for a local chapter of the IBC and post at their website/forums (if there is one and they have one). If you do have one then you should be able to get a very good quality one for very little, most breeders have more young females than they know what to do with and probably would be glad to either give one to you or at least pretty cheaply, and that would also save you alot of money in shipping.

My local fish stores get them often as does Pets Supplies Plus..probably Petco in other areas?
you sometimes have to ask and they may even order some for you
Good Luck!
bettalady said:
My local fish stores get them often as does Pets Supplies Plus..probably Petco in other areas?
you sometimes have to ask and they may even order some for you
Good Luck!
I got my female from Petco. All white with lavender fins. I really wasn't looking for a female but i couldn't pass this up

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