Female betta with mouth fungus?


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
I just bought her 3 days ago and she was fine, eating etc. She's in a 1 gallon by herself and recieves daily water changes. But it seems like overnight her mouth turned slighty white and now it looks like it could be spreading. She's stopped eating so i know its getting worse. I have meds that could cure it, but when treating a disease dont you usually need areation and heating? Can you use salt with bettas?

Please help!
hmm salt well the salt bath would be for about half an hour to induce reverse osmosis i think and it is indeed a cure for fungus scaleless fish are not to be kept in brakish water but thats advice on keeping them long term i would advise a fungal treatment from the shop initialy but if the only thing available is salt then its better to expose the fish to some light salt water to get rid of the fungus than for the fish to have fungus. tho you should be aware there are treatments out there suitable for all fish.
Well don't u need to heat and airenate ur tank anyway if u havent then you should and there are more things u should do:

have a overall temp of 75 degrees F in the tank
use an airstone
do weekly water changes not daily
change 10% - 20% of the water weekly and not a drop more
and use a dechlorinator.

and as for ur betta use the treatment and remove any carbon in ur tank.

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