Female betta with Gouramis

once i was a maggot

Fish Fanatic
Jul 24, 2004
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melbourne Australia
Hi i was juz wondering, can you put female bettas with gouramis? i thought u couldnt because they are closely related. i have a tiny gourami that has a yellow body with red bottom and top fins and is about a quarter of the size of a dwarf (no joke) and is juz dus not grow (no idea wat it is), a honey gourami, and a dwarf gourami. could i put female bettas in my tank with the gouramis?
I keep a Male Crowntail Betta with 2 Dwarf Gourami's and they never fight! Just a hint... add the gourami's first then the betta. If you add the betta first even if it is female it will clain it territory and attack and intruder (that's what happened the first time I tried mixing betta with other fish) but if you add the other fish first then the betta the betta wether male or female will know that it has to share that place with the other fish because they got there first.

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