Female Betta Temperment


Jul 4, 2013
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i was wondering if i could keep i female betta in the 55 gallon in my sig thx
It depends on the Bettas temperament. You could try it, but only if you have a tank you could move her into incase something was to go wrong.
oh ok say she wasnt agressive could i keep her with a male honey gourami?
Gouramis and Bettas don't normally work very well. The reason being that they are both surface breathers and often compete for the space.
I would recommend that you choose between the two.
Females are usually great with other fish as long as they have their space! good luck!
guppielover99 said:
Females are usually great with other fish as long as they have their space! good luck!
I'm sorry but that is (in most cases) wrong - females are usually just as aggressive as males, if not (sometimes) more. 
It all depends on the fish.
I would have to agree with blondielovesfish.  I have had some really calm females before but I have had some that would rival a male in aggressiveness.  With any bettas it is a good idea to always have a spare tank to move the betta into if they turn out to be too aggressive for the community setting.  It is a big misconception to believe that a female betta is any less aggressive than a male.  
ncguppy830 said:
i was wondering if i could keep i female betta in the 55 gallon in my sig thx
Hi,you can put indian almond leaf in your tank, so female betta would feel decrease of stress condition.
thanks for the awnser but ive decided not to get a female but possibly start a sority so ill keep that in mind.
Like the others said, it really depends, I have 2 female bettas in with a bunch of guppy fry and cory, they just act like normal and swim around happily.
Wildbetta said:
I would have to agree with blondielovesfish.  I have had some really calm females before but I have had some that would rival a male in aggressiveness.  With any bettas it is a good idea to always have a spare tank to move the betta into if they turn out to be too aggressive for the community setting.  It is a big misconception to believe that a female betta is any less aggressive than a male.  
That is so true....I have some calm females that get along together but I have some that are just as aggressive as the males, if not more....I find if they grow up together, they usually get along....at least in my experience.....
Creature said:
Like the others said, it really depends, I have 2 female bettas in with a bunch of guppy fry and cory, they just act like normal and swim around happily.
yea ive heard the same thing with sisters which seem to be less agressive , your right it depends.

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