female betta tank


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK

this is my first posting, so please excuse any errors etc. firstly i would like to thank you all for the great information everyone has provided, it has been very helpful and interesting. :D

second.......bet u knew there would be a second and a question :whistle: i have just bought a 180 ltr tank, will do a fish less cycle using filter from a mature fish tank and am going to heavily plant. how many female betta could i keep happily in the tank? what would be the ideal algae eater? in fact could you just let me know anything really important that will keep my girlies happy :p

regards Seffieuk
180 litre is a nice size, my largest has that much water in. You could keep quite a few girls in there to be honest. I've heard of 4-6 in a 10g so just pro-rata for your size tank.

If you do a search on this section for female community tanks you should get an idea of how many people put together and ideas on the set-up also. Lots of hiding places and breaking the line of site is essential, but girls will still bicker between themselves.

The best algae eater that doesn't get massive is a bristlenose plec which gets to around 5". Absolutely fabulous! I have 4 in my tank that size and there's not much algae in there at all anymore. They are busy little bees!

Welcome to the forums :)

edited to take out smiley that shouldn't have been there :grr:
i gotta disagree on the algea eater! but only perosnnel taste i think there ugly little buggers!!! get a bunch of otos instead... althought not 100% sure of caompatability

Well for bottom feeders, I love cories! Plus they're too cute in their little groups!
:eek: you calling my plecs ugly :grr: :lol: just joking

I have 3 albino ones and they are quite cute, have to agree that the darker ones are ugly, but don't tell Nonk I said that or he might stop cleaning the tank :rolleyes:

I found ottos very fragile and lost all 3 I bought in 5 days :(

thanks everyone, will go take a look at corys and plecs...................maybe the plecs are so ugly that they are handsome, bit like Tommy Lee Jones lol

take care
If my calculations are correct, your tank is almost 50 gallons. You could easily have 20 - 25 girls in there. How fun!!! would that be?!?!? What a beautiful tank it will be :)

Choose colorful ones - they're beautiful in big colorful clusters.
Have lots of little caves and arches - mine fight over one cave even though I have plenty of hiding places for them. They also like caves and tunnels built from arches. They really like floating plants - I just last night dropped in a couple sprigs of cabomba. Good grief, it was just like I had gotten my girls a little jungle gym - they LOVED it. :wub:

So I guess my best advice is to give them lots of places to explore and hide and sprinkle the plants all over the place. I think my community female tank is probably my favorite. :)
thanks bettamomma...........i'm getting really excitted now.........the thought of twenty girlies, oh wow. will do as u suggest and get some floating plants as well....plus lots of little caves

huge grin all over face


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