female betta questions


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2004
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
I'm thinking about getting a female betta (just because, not to breed). Like our male, I'm thinking I'd put her in her own tank with heater... Is that OK or do females prefer other females for company? The tank wouldn't have a filter, so other fish as company wouldn't be an option.

What are the "rules" for keeping female bettas? Thanks. :D
There's no problem keeping a female in a tank by herself, in fact it may be safer...females will fight too, although usually you can keep females together in groups of 3 or more (if only 2, one will get picked on too much). Same basic requirements for the female as a male when in a tank solo.

Keep them seperated. :p Female bettas, in my opinion, seem more aggressive than the males. I had four females, which I intended to keep together, and three of the four were extremely aggressive. I would just keep them in seperate tanks for their safety. :) Good luck! :D
Hiya, imo id say that it will depend completely on the individual females personality, u can often find that u can keep females together, but then there are cases wen u see that they will fight and end up killing each other given that chance. so if uve only really got the space 4 one, just keep 1, but if u have the space, u can keep 3 or more, providing there are lots of hiding spaces, and lots of plants to laze abt in!

hope this helps u.
I may be commiting a major no-no, but I think it's fine... :dunno: I have a female betta in my 29 gal community tank. She does tend to "bull up" at her tankmates on occasion (usually at mealtime), but so far everyone seems to be getting along just fine. Betta experts, if this is a disaster waiting to happen please tell me now, I will make other arrangements for her. I didn't think a thing of it when I put her in there. I thought it was fine as long as there were no other bettas in there...
I put my first female Betta in my community tank, and although no one in there ever bothered her, she hid constantly :sad: After about a week with no improvement, I put her in a 2.5g w/plants and BOY did her attitude change. She became more outgoing and curious in one day....it really was incredible. :fun:

Now I'm raising 5 Juveniles in that same community tank, and all of them are doing great with one exception. I've had them for about 4 months now, and I have definately 2 males and 3 females. The biggest male is the dominent....obvious from his actions, althought he hasn't hurt anyone, he's "in charge". ;) The other male is smaller finned and shows his stripes when the other male is close, but no fighting or anything.

Now, the problem...one of the females was/is smaller then the others and hid a LOT. She came out and ate, no problem, but then went back into the plants. I finally pulled her out and realised she has a problem with her back/tail and can't swim very well.....that's why she stayed in the plants, she could rest on them. She's been in a breeder (with plants) in the tank for a few weeks now, and is VERY friendly, active, flirts with the males through the breeder and seems to have no issues being in there. She eats great, and is always right there waiting for me :) I'm sure if she didn't have the swimming problem, she would have been fine in there, too.

Basically I guess it's up to the fish, and what they are used to? Sorry if that doesn't help much, but personalities play such a big role in fish keeping......

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