Female Betta Problem


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
Got a new female betta today and so I floated her in my 10 gal for over a half hour, then released her into the tank and she wigs out on me. After flipping around she then sinks, nose first, to the bottom and sits there semi-vertically. I pulled her after a minute or so of her not moving.

She came from a community tank in a pet store.

Any idea what could have caused that?
Did you add a bit of the tank water to the petstore bag before releasing her into the tank?? You should add a cup of water to the bag every 20 minutes or so to get the new fish aclimated to the new water conditions. Chances are the petstore's water is totaly different than yours and she is having a hard time adjusting.
Well, you acclimated her to the water temp, but did you acclimate her to the water itself? I don't know if it would have caused a reaction like that, but it's just a thought. Was she acting ok at the store? I hope she didn't have a parasite or something. If she did, you just introduced it to your tank. It's always good to quarinteen for 2 or 3 weeks whenever you get a new fish you intend to put in with others. This insures that you can keep an eye on her to make sure nothing is wrong rather than her not being ok and introducing something into your tank and risk killing or making all your fish sick. What's your water perameters?
Went back to the store to see about exchanging her and ALL her tank mates are dead.

I have no idea what's wrong with her. She darts around, flips out of the water, curls up, sinks to the bottom, lies very still and will sometimes gasp for air or look like she's not breathing at all (gills look fine). There is no sign of Ich or velvet, no sores, no fin damage. She doesn't eat. I can't tell very well, but she looks like she has fungus around her mouth. So I'm treating her for funguses.

I didn’t acclimate her to the water because I‘ve never had issues with that before. But now I don’t think that was the problem.

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