Female betta problem


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Wyoming, brrrr!
Ok, so I got a female crowntail today. She was so pretty. She had a nice plump belly too. Anyway, I'm getting her tank ready, so I set her cup on the shelf next to Atticus, no reason, just happened to. Well, I look up and she's going nuts! She's zippin across the front of her cup and then swimming vertical right at Atticus. I thought this is quite a show so I just watched. Then Atticus gets intrigued and his colors come out and he flares up really big...here's the weird part. She gets real still while he's flaring at her and she sinks to the bottom of her cup, lays on her side, and DIES!! :huh: :huh: :huh: :eek: :eek: :eek:

WHAT THE HECK?! Has anyone ever had any experiences that compare to this? She went from excited lady to dead, what the heck?! :blink: :blink:
YIKES! That must have been freaky to see. I'm sorry for your loss :(

Only thing I can think is she either had a heart attack or an embelizm (sorry on spelling on that one, hehe) from the excitment. Can fish have heart attacks and embelizms? I don't really see why not, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it, hehe. (sorry, don't mean to joke at the sake of your dead fish).

That's all I could think too! I would guess fish can have heart attacks, they have hearts :huh: Beats me.
Don't worry, I wasn't attached, that''s probably mean to say...I'm always sad when a fish dies, but we had pretty much just walked through the door ya know?
That is absolutely unbelievable! But I would imagine fish do indeed have heart attacks.At that show last weekend, the host picked up a jar with a betta for auction, lifted the lid and the fish just literally died just like that :blink: then about 3 minutes later it popped right back up again, almost like it had experienced a mini heart attack. :eek:

Last night, I took a new female and set her down next to my orange male on the desk, he's not used to having anybody on that side of him, only his girl on his left. At first he didn't notice the new fish ,he was busy flarin' at his woman and minding his own but when he turned around and saw that fish....I thought he died! He literally stopped swimming and just had this look of shock and dropped to the bottom on his side for like 5 seconds. I sat here dumbfounded thinking I just killed my fish by attempting to see his reactions to another female... :eek: Then after he popped up I thought maybe it was just a hellacious way of flirting :lol: but he had no interest and went in his plant :rolleyes: So I think he had a mini shock heart attack. Crazy!

I'm so surprised that she just croaked like that, I would imagine it was quite astonishing to see :eek: :eek: :eek: Such passionate fish :lol:
I'm sorry Sorrell :rip:

As the others have already said, a heart attack/ stroke is all I can think of. :/
ahh shi... stuff, happens. who knows on the bright side you can go look for a new beta!!! :lol:

although thats one less beta in the world so :rip:

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