Female Betta Not Eating


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2012
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My female betta, Nira, isn't eating and hasn't been for some days now. She's not sick though, so I don't know why she wouldn't be eating? She used to love to eat, and now she's not eating at all? I've cut down the amount of food I give her to barely anything, and I looked in this morning. NOTHING was eaten. Not a single bit of food. Help?
Has anything changed in the tank? What are you water stats, ammonia/nitrite/nitrate how big is the tank?
The tank is very small, I'm not going to lie. If I had another, she would be in it but I don't, sadly.

I just cleaned one that is slightly bigger. I'll be putting her in it in a few days. Right now she is in a small carrier thing.
Other then that, nothing else has changed.
With small tanks, they're not going to sustain your fish unless you change the water multiple times a day. That's how fish stores keep bettas in those small containers, because they change the water at least once a day. She might be suffering from ammonia (NH3) poisoning. With tanks under 10 gallons it's unlikely that the tank would be able to support the bacteria to eat the NH3. The only thing you can do for her is to keep changing the water, and keep changing the water for the bigger tank as its cycling/growing the bacteria you need to keep your fish from dying in it's own waste.
Alright, will do. Frequent water changes, I'll do one every day from now on, thanks!

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