Female betta not doing so well


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I have a 29 gallon community and ever since I've had this female betta, she is very inactive and very shy. She constantly has two horizontal lines going down her body and she is only about an inch. She has been that small since I've gotten her.

When I first got her, I thought she only had one fin since I didn't see the other one. But she has one small fin and one larger fin. She swims perfectly fine, but she spends most of her time in a log cave or behind plants. She never comes out and interacts with the other fish unless it is feeding time.

I have noticed she is ALWAYS hanging out around the breeding net watching the baby mollies swim around. I was wondering if she was more interested in eating them or playing with them since they are about her size, a little smaller. I was thinking about putting her in there to see what happens but I didn't as I didn't want her to attack them or anything...although I doubt she would.

Anyways, what is wrong with her? She has no injuries, or any other signs of disease or disorder. Her tummy is a little pudgy but she's always been chubby.

What should I do?


And the temp is around 77 F.
How long have you had her? My girls have been brought up in a 30 gallon tank together with a few cories and a plec for company. They have always had eachother for company and are only now starting to fight between themselves at 12 weeks old. They are over an inch long.

I bought a new female recently which was a lovely lavendar/blue colour and she was fairly small being 1.5 inches long. I put her in my adult female community tank and she didn't get on well at all. she was constantly showing the horizontal stress bars and hardly any colour. I decided as she was quite small to pop her in with the younger ones. She coloured up quite quickly after that but still shows the stress bars at times during the day. She colours up especially when she eats :) she does however swim around all day with the others.

I did have another girl that was being picked on terribly that I put in the same 30 gallon before the babies went in and she showed the stress bars etc and hardly moved around at all. I put one of my other nicer females in with her and she coloured right back up!

I'm wondering if your girl is just phased by all the busy goings on in the community and also is lacking company of another female betta :dunno:
Joby said:
How long have you had her? My girls have been brought up in a 30 gallon tank together with a few cories and a plec for company. They have always had eachother for company and are only now starting to fight between themselves at 12 weeks old. They are over an inch long.

I bought a new female recently which was a lovely lavendar/blue colour and she was fairly small being 1.5 inches long. I put her in my adult female community tank and she didn't get on well at all. she was constantly showing the horizontal stress bars and hardly any colour. I decided as she was quite small to pop her in with the younger ones. She coloured up quite quickly after that but still shows the stress bars at times during the day. She colours up especially when she eats :) she does however swim around all day with the others.

I did have another girl that was being picked on terribly that I put in the same 30 gallon before the babies went in and she showed the stress bars etc and hardly moved around at all. I put one of my other nicer females in with her and she coloured right back up!

I'm wondering if your girl is just phased by all the busy goings on in the community and also is lacking company of another female betta :dunno:
She is about 1 inch long and I'm not even sure of what type of betta she is. She is the smallest fish in the tank smaller than the neons and no one really hangs around her. She doesn't even color up while eating. I have nowhere to put her right now except for the 29 gallon. I've had her for a month or two.

When I move the fish from my 29 gallon to my 120 gallon I am going to leave the female betta in the 29 gallon because I am afraid the current will be too strong for her. Should I get like 4 more females to acompany her?

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