female betta in community


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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hi guys

my jewel cichlids just had fry and im planning to move those into the 5 gal. so can i move my short finned female betta into my 25 gal,(check profile)?

thanx alot

I'm assuming you mean the one with the NWs, not the labs. -_-

Personally, I wouldn't. I'd put her in a 1g.

I'd think she would be terrified being put in a tank with those cichlids. I would guess that she would cower in the corner, on the bottom of the tank. I would also venture to say she'd be sporting some major stress bars.

That's pretty much what happened when I tried to put a female in my 29g, with similar fish as yours. She never moved for 6 hours (with lights off). She practically swam into the net when I removed her. :lol: I ended up buying her a 2.5g for $10, that she shares with 2 floating frogs.

All bettas are different, DD. The one I tried it with is rather tame.

If you try it, keep a good eye on her, and make sure the other fish aren't picking on her, and that she is eating.

Congrats on the Jewel fry! :cool:
thanx cometcattle ;)

well its all sorted, i put her with the dwarfs and the tetras and she was fine.swimming along,the only curious ones were the keyholes but they never even nipped at her. but luckily enough i was looking through the cupboard for some 1 gal containers and found an old 5 gal bowl that i probably had goldfish in when i was little(i know,i was little) so shes in there now happy, im getting a new heater for her tomorow,right nwo i used some tank water from the 40 gal(warmer water) gravel from the 12 gal and i put in some live plants for oxygen.

thanx for the help and concern


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