Female Betta Housing


Aug 12, 2009
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I'm not sure if this counts as an 'emergency', but I've had a betta sorority for about half a year now (10 gallon). It has 4 girls in it who peacefully co-exist. I kept a fifth in there too - she was in the tank before the others and was therefore extremely territorial so I had to remove her due to aggression.
I've been keeping her temporarily in her own 5 gallon tank, and have been planning to reintroduce her to the sorority for a while now. Last week I fell in love with a beautiful male betta, and, stupidly, bought him. I put him in the 5 gallon and returned the aggressive girl to the 10g sorority.
Although everything was fine at first, she's ripped the fins of all the other girls and I really didn't want to leave her in there with them. It's not normal betta squabbling and I'm worried she'll kill one of the others.
My problem is that I'm not sure where to put her now. For tonight I've dumped her in my 180 litre angel-fish tank (Romeo and Juliet are preparing the filter for a spawn so they won't bother her). All my other tanks are unsuitable (gouramis in the 35 gallon, male bettas in the 5 and 10 gallons, aggressive red-tailed shark in the 75 gallon). Do you guys reckon I should just splash out (heh) and get her a new 5 gallon? Or should I risk it and leave her with the angels?
She's just so violent and all my tanks are really peaceful, i'm starting to think that living alone is her only option.
Splash out is a definite must.

Maybe try a second hand sales group on Facebook? Or local papers?
Shelster said:
Splash out is a definite must.

Maybe try a second hand sales group on Facebook? Or local papers?
Yeah I agree. I can get a new 7 gallon with lighting, filter etc for £50. I'm not great with second hand tanks. She really doesn't deserve it though. She deserves fishy jail.
Awe, give her a break, she didn't ask you to buy the male :)

Plus, you get an excuse to buy a new tank :D

Hope your sorority settles down again.
Shelster said:
Awe, give her a break, she didn't ask you to buy the male

Plus, you get an excuse to buy a new tank

Hope your sorority settles down again.
That's true. I thought she'd appreciate some company with her sisters, but nooo. Another tank is always awesome. My mother won't be pleased though
I'm sure they'll be fine now the trouble maker's gone. Thanks for your help!
I can suggest another option.  Get a net breeder and put her in that and put it in the sorority tank.  There have been many people have positive results of a "time out" period for aggressive females in a sorority.  Something about letting them socialize without being able to actually hurt the other girls helps.  It is not a full proof option but it is something for you to try before going out and buying another tank.  In your sorority, do you have plenty of hiding places and lots of plants and things to block line of sight?  Increasing these helps with aggression as well.
Wildbetta said:
I can suggest another option.  Get a net breeder and put her in that and put it in the sorority tank.  There have been many people have positive results of a "time out" period for aggressive females in a sorority.  Something about letting them socialize without being able to actually hurt the other girls helps.  It is not a full proof option but it is something for you to try before going out and buying another tank.  In your sorority, do you have plenty of hiding places and lots of plants and things to block line of sight?  Increasing these helps with aggression as well.
Yeah it's an absolute jungle in there. There's a big java fern and lots of anubias on a branched piece of bogwood which fills the whole tank. There's vallis and a ceramic tunnel for hiding too. The other four really do get on well. It's just this one who's a problem. I did think about a breeding net, but i reckon I'll just go for a new tank. I can move the female back into the 5 gallon and give my new male a nice 7-10 gallon with some tetras or something. I was planning on a new community at some point anyway. Cheers for your help.

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